Month: February 2014

Love the Ones You’re With


Let me start off by saying that I had a fabulous weekend! It was short but long, busy but slow, and fun but stressful. Essentially, I spent the weekend with my family and I absolutely loved it. It’s been about a month since my parents and siblings had all been in the same room together, which if you know my family, is quite a rarity these days. It’s simply because everyone is growing up, continuing/developing careers, and making a life.

I have a close knit family. Growing up and even to this day, everyone knows everything about everyone’s business. That can be a good or bad thing! However, when I went to college, I began exploring and discovering who I was and who I wanted to be. Sometimes, it required me to be selfish and to focus on me. I always knew in the back of my family that my family was always there…when I wanted them to be there. I began realizing that I would only reach out to my family when I had something good or bad to say. When everything was normal, I didn’t feel the need to contact them. In my head, it was easy to push them aside in my life until I needed them. It’s easy to get caught up in “life” and sometimes it takes a time of struggle, stress, or difficulty, to put things back into perspective. It’s times like these that I finally learned that my family was always the positive part of the equation to catch me when I fell and raise me up.

I’ve learned to appreciate and grateful for my family. I’ve learned that I can reach out to my family just to see how they are because I care. I know that my family will always have my back and I intend to let them know that I care, and not only just when I need them. It’s humbling to know that I have a great family dynamic and I really considered myself blessed for this and the fact that I have a family that loves me, and that I love in return.

What ways do you show love to your loved ones?

Fundamentals of Career Advancement

Certificate of Yes

I have gone to school 18 years, In that time, I have earned a high school diploma, a Bachelor’s degree, and a Master’s degree. My career is the product of my dedication and investment in my education so it is something that I highly value. During my self-exploration and discovery phase in college, I learned the importance and value of a career that I enjoy and I am good at. I believe these two things to be the winning formula of a satisfying and successful career. It doesn’t matter what field it may be, I believe that if you enjoy what you do and you love you do, the rewards will come. I’ve been fortunate enough to find that!

As a young professional, it is inevitable to “pay your dues” before you reap the rewards of your hard work. Whether those rewards are monetary or status driven, I am gong to address what I do to set myself up for the opportunities and “rewards” that will come in my career. It is more about just putting the time into a career. There are things I can do NOW that will give me these opportunities. The best way I can describe this as followed:

Come from a place of yes.

This is one of the most valuable things I have learned. But, what does this mean?

Coming from a place of yes means:

1. Say yes to opportunities.

When opportunities arise, say yes to those opportunities. Even though saying yes may require you to spend extra time on a project or staying late to work an event, you are building trust with your supervisor that you are a hard worker and have a multitude of skills.

2. Find ways to say yes.

Sometimes, there might not be opportunities for you to say yes. This could because your supervisor or colleague is not giving you these opportunities but it could also be there are no opportunities present; however, remember that you have the power to MAKE opportunities for yourself. Do you see a need in your area? Can you make a difference and/or positive improvement to what is already being done? If the answer is yes, do it. Ask your supervisor first!

3. Surround yourself with people that say yes.

In the most literal sense, you want your supervisor to say yes and give you opportunities to do more than what is in your job duties and responsibilities because these opportunities will help you develop professionally. People that say yes are more than just those who give you opportunities, but see your strengths, skills, and will encourage/support you in your goals and aspirations.

In this generation, employers value skills, versatility, and adaptability as opposed to a concrete list of job duties – saying yes will help you show and develop those skills. Also, it is important to identify individuals that come from a place with yes, in the workplace and in every aspect of your life. The last thing you want or need, is someone who doesn’t want the best for you. Set yourself up for success – surround yourself with people who come from a place of yes, including yourself.

Make the most of your opportunities!

Who are those individuals in your life that always come from a place of yes?